Make a Donation 

Help Diamante Arts & Cultural Center sustain our mission in bringing programming, exhibitions, activities, and events that unite the community. DACC appreciates all donations big or small. 

Donate Supplies

 As the longest standing NC arts and culture non-profit organization that serves the Latino/x arts community, we at Diamante, welcome and appreciate donations of office supplies such as:
1. paper products (clear cups, paper plates, etc.)
2. facility maintenance items (air filters, cleaning products, etc.)
3. programming supplies (art supplies, table top easels, etc.)

Your donation greatly helps us in our mission to preserve and promote Latino/Hispanic Culture and the arts.

Amigo Supporter Circle

The support of our Amigo Circle member is essential to help sustain the work we do to bring programming, exhibitions, activities, and events that unite the community. The Amigo Circle is a yearly participation. We have individual, seniors/students, family and business members. Support Diamante Today!

Amigo Circle supporters are entitled to the following benefits:
  • Name placement in donor page
  • Discount on DACC Facility Rental (upon availability)
  • Special discounts at DACC programs
  • Advance programs and ticket pre-sale notice
  • Special invitations to DACC gallery openings, receptions, and public activities