The Last Virgin in Cuba : A Stage Reading
Diamante Arts & Cultural Center and playwright Anthony Garcia-Copian have partnered to present a reading of Anthony’s play The Last Virgin in Cuba. Anthony was born in Cuba and is a playwright, artist, and photographer living in Raleigh.
The Last Virgin in Cuba is a dark comedy staged reading about a community on the fringes of society. Prieto convinced the former government in Cuba to give her an old, small museum that had been closed for years. With the help of her friends Concha and Lila and an infringed community, she plans to slowly turn it into a retirement home for sex workers.
Due to its colorful language and content, this staged reading is for an adult audience.
Ticket price: Give what you can. Please reserve your space.
A concession stand will be available for snack purchases.
A concession stand will be available for snack purchases.